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“Glebe National School is committed to nurturing the potential of each child through academic, physical, moral, emotional, cultural, spiritual and aesthetic experiences within the school. The emerging youth will be encouraged to become confident, responsible, tolerant, life-long learners and self-motivated”


Glebe National School is under the Patronage of the Church Of Ireland Bishop of Derry & Raphoe.  It is part of the local Church communities, encompassing the Church Of Ireland, Methodist and Presbyterian churches.  Strong links are forged through regular visits from the local clergy.


It is a community comprising pupils, parents, staff and Board of Management where Christian values, such as honesty, justice, respect and care responsibilities are nurtured.  As such the school values and respects all children, regardless of social background, religious denomination, gender, educational achievement or physical characteristics.  Its adult population, be they staff, parents or visitors are met with similar inclusivity and equality.

Just as the Primary School Curriculum celebrates the uniqueness of the child, so too does Glebe National School.

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